We have many voluntary and interest groups based at St Mary’s; all our groups welcome new members at any time.
Why not come and join in, meet new people, have fun and learn new things!
We welcome young volunteers who may be working towards Duke of Edinburgh awards.
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Tennis Parking 2025- wimbledon fortnight
Join in the fun and volunteer on one or more of the 14 days of the Championships. Via the button above, you can select your slots (and we do rely on some of you volunteering for 2 or more please!). You may be asked to verify your email once and then the system will recognise you and will send back a confirmatory email, from which you can update your diaries as required. The busiest period is 10.am -1pm. We reduce to 2 people until closure at 10pm (or 45 minutes after the last ball is played under the closed rooves!).
READERS, INTERCESSORS & SIDESPEOPLE - one service every 4-8 weeks
We have teams of volunteers for our Sunday Services and we are always seeking to welcome more to these groups. We usually aim for a monthly participation with these groups and the leaders of each group will work with volunteers to find Sundays to fit with volunteers’ diaries. Training is offered for all volunteers and so beginners are most welcome. For a particular service, Readers will do 1 or 2 short readings, intercessors will collate prayers and sidespeople welcome and guide our congregation in out and out of church.
gardening team- mostly spring summer, a few hours, whatever you can spare
We have a beautiful churchyard but it does take a lot of work, especially the mowers in the summer. If you can spare a few hours now and again, the team leaders would be very grateful, obviously the spring and summer are when we need it most, you can use the button below to pick a slot.
Our committee (DCC) always welcome enthusiastic voluntary members particularly those with charity, finance and governance skills and experience.
sunday coffee- once every couple of months
After the 9.30am service and before the 11.15am service, refreshments are served in the Garden Hall at approximately 10.45am; everyone is welcome. Usually there is are 2-3 people on the rota to prepare and tidy away the refreshments; this is a really great way to meet our regular congregation. The rota is aimed for monthly participation by volunteers to suit their diaries.
Playgroups, Youth Groups & Family Events
We are always grateful for volunteers to support with the many activities that we have for children & families. Please contact rector@stmaryswimbledon.org
church cleaning- once a month rota
To support the professional cleaning of the church, we welcome volunteers to help with the silver polishing and other special items in the church. This is not heavy work and can be scheduled to fit around your diary.
flower arranging
Our team of experienced flower arrangers are responsible for all of the floral decorations within St Mary’s throughout the year including Sunday services, festivals, weddings & funerals.
bell ringing
We are actively seeking to train new bell-ringers.
Bell ringing is a great hobby for people of all ages and there is something of interest for everybody, including teamwork, gentle physical exercise, mental concentration and a good social atmosphere. We ring to call people to worship, for great State Occasions (eg the death of the Queen) and for weddings.
You will be involved in something which is very 'different' and which has a long history (and is also fun)....
Learning to ring can also be part of a Duke of Edinburgh's scheme for young people - either as the 'Service' or the 'Learning a new skill' component.
Do get in touch - email: sweetfamily@hotmail.co.uk for more information - or come along on a Wednesday evening between 7.30 and 9 pm. Irene Sweet - Secretary of the Wimbledon Bellringers
The Green Group is concerned with how the church and its activities can have less negative impact on the environment and what it can do to promote green living. This group is working as part of our Mission Action Plan in 2023. Contact Juliet Boyd for further details.