
Getting Confirmed at St Mary’s & Adult Baptism

If you would like to become a member of the church by being baptised or be confirmed as an adult please get in touch with our Rector, The Revd Mandy Hodgson.

Confirmation and Adult Baptism Preparation

Our confirmation and adult baptism preparation sessions start on 23rd September. The confirmation and adult baptism group meets for four sessions at 8pm on a Monday evening in the Rectory.

The confirmation service is on the evening of Tuesday 19th November 2024 at Mitcham Parish Church. St Peter and St Paul Church, Church Road, Mitcham, CR4 3BP. You would also be welcome to join the course if you would just like to find out more about what Christians believe.

The Course

Our confirmation preparation will use mixed media. Much of the preparation you will be able to do at home in your own time. The whole group will be meeting with me four times during the preparation for the confirmation and it will be important to make these sessions a priority.

The aim of the preparation is two fold:

  • To give you a basic grounding in the Christian Faith and to help you explore what you believe. We will be looking at what Christians believe, belonging to the church and growing in faith.

  • To help you get to know other members of St Mary’s better and have a chance to talk with and learn from each other about your journey of faith.

  1. Welcome and introduction to the Course – Who is God? 23rd September

  2. What is God like? 7th October

  3. Growing in Faith 21st Oct

  4. Belonging to the Church 11th Nov

To join the course and be confirmed or baptised and confirmed please fill in this application form which will be emailed to The Rector.

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