St Mary's church

Sundays at St Mary’s

8am Holy communion

A quiet, reflective service, based on the 1662 prayer book.

9.30am Sung Eucharist

This is the main service of the day, attracting people of all ages. It is a priority of this service to provide Biblical preaching which relates Christian faith to everday life.

There is a creche for 0-3 year olds and a Sunday School for those aged over 3. On the first Sunday of the month there is no Sunday School, the children are encouraged to attend Relaxed Eucharist at 11:15am.

11.15am RELAXED Service for all ages

These are short relaxed services that are accessible to all ages, comprising of a brief talk, reading, hymns and prayers. On the 1st Sunday of the month it is a communion service.

6.30pm choral evensong

With choir, this service is based on the 1662 Evensong and includes a psalm, responses, canticles, an anthem sung by the choir, hymns sung by the congregation and a sermon.

St Mary's is a part of the Church of England, whose principal leader is the Archbishop of Canterbury. We come under the authority of the Bishop of Southwark who delegates his care to the Bishop of Kingston.

Midweek services- please check newsletter for any changes within the week ahead

8.45am Morning Prayer (am), 5pm Evening Prayer (pm)

  • Monday am

  • Tuesday am & pm

  • Wednesday am, 12noon Eucharist & pm

  • Thursday am

  • Friday am & pm

  • Saturday: midday

Streaming of Services

Sunday 9.30am and 6.30pm, 11.15am Baptisms & special services.

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