Sundays at St Mary’s
8am Holy communion
A quiet, reflective service, based on the 1662 prayer book.
9.30am Sung Eucharist
This is the main service of the day, attracting people of all ages. It is a priority of this service to provide Biblical preaching which relates Christian faith to everday life.
There is a creche for 0-3 year olds and a Sunday School for those aged over 3. On the first Sunday of the month there is no Sunday School, the children are encouraged to attend Relaxed Eucharist at 11:15am.
11.15am RELAXED Service for all ages
These are short relaxed services that are accessible to all ages, comprising of a brief talk, reading, hymns and prayers. On the 1st Sunday of the month it is a communion service.
6.30pm choral evensong
With choir, this service is based on the 1662 Evensong and includes a psalm, responses, canticles, an anthem sung by the choir, hymns sung by the congregation and a sermon.
Midweek services- please check newsletter for any changes within the week ahead
8.45am Morning Prayer (am), 5pm Evening Prayer (pm)
Monday am
Tuesday am & pm
Wednesday am, 12noon Eucharist & pm
Thursday am
Friday am & pm
Saturday: midday
Streaming of Services
Sunday 9.30am and 6.30pm, 11.15am Baptisms & special services.
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